MoGraphs Donut City Animation
Cinema 4D Animation
DateMay, 2023
This animation project was an enjoyable exercise using the MoGraph tool in Cinema 4D. Most of the objects in the animation were controlled with MoGraph, and my main objective was to demonstrate the various ways MoGraph tools can be utilized in a city environment.
One clever technique I employed was setting up a target camera focused on the center of my city model, which featured a small donut shop. I linked the target camera to a spring-shaped spline that spiraled upwards, increasing in diameter as it ascended. By having the target camera follow the path of the spline, I was able to effectively showcase the dynamic capabilities of the MoGraph tools using only a single camera.
After completing the animation, I selected a music track that complemented the buildup of MoGraph animations as they appeared in the city landscape. Overall, I was very pleased with the final outcome.